Your project is very important to us. Please note that depending on the scope and other university priorities, there may be up to a 3-6 week project turnaround time from the submission date (plus an additional 5-10 days for outsourced print projects).

When making your request, please submit as far in advance of your deadline. In submitting your request, we also ask that you be as thorough as possible in describing the job. All copy (wording and narratives) must be included with your request and should be proofed for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation prior to submitting.

Please make note that projects will be completed in the order they are received, and that failure to provide the necessary content and instructions may delay completion time frame. When submitting your request a “date needed” (deadline) must be specified. When specifying the “date needed,” please list the date the item is needed in your hands and/or to external parties.

Should you have any questions regarding this form please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Marketing and Communication at (601) 877-6130.

    Project Text

    This information must be included with your submission. Please note, should you fail to include copy with your submission we will be unable to move forward with your project until copy is provided. This may push your desired delivery date back.

    Target Audience

    Project Call to Action

    Deadline Notice

    Project Files:

    Acceptable file formats include Microsoft Office Documents (.ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx), PDF Documents (.pdf), Images (.jpg, .jpeg, .png), and Zip (.zip) files. Files must be smaller than 10MB to upload. If you do not have photos or need to request a photographer, please specify in the Notes section or contact the Office of Marketing and Communication at (601) 877-6130.

    Sample of previous Job or Project Inspiration

    Note: Attaching a sample of your project for reference will help us in locating the previous work files for this job.

    [group email-group]


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